went and saw dumb and dumberer. it was alright, not funnier than the first one, but still ok. then i took my dad to dinner at his fav restraunt. and now i am updating this waste of space.
Sunday, June 15, 2003
Previous Posts
- s..o......b..ore...d........ did ablsolutely nothi...
- blah. lets see.........went to mall AGAIN......got...
- so bored.....just spaming on my own site.....BLAH ...
- day was cool so far. went to the mall and played w...
- updated my pics. just put the sakura picture there...
- Went to the mall yesterday and played some DDR wit...
- Went and saw Finding Nemo yesterday, thought it wa...
- blah. jusr being bored. Went to play some ddr(caus...
- my little brother went to some all night thing wit...
- went bowling on moday. forgot to put that. being b...

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