Friday, December 24, 2004

Friday Five!!!

I missed the last one, but here's the current one. =p

1. Christmas is celebrated by many people in many different ways. What does Christmas mean to you?
It's a time for the family to be together for a whole day doing pointless crap. =p

....and presents.....lots of presents...

2. Have you or do you attend a religious service on Christmas Eve or Christmas? Why?
We have....I can't remember if we went last year, but we used to. And then afterward, we would go to somebody's house for a bit and then head home. Why we did it, to celebrate the birth of Jesus, blah, blah, blah.

3. It’s a Wonderful Life, Rudolph, Frosty, Home Alone? What is your favorite holiday film?
A Christmas Story.

4. Which is better; the giving, or the getting?
I love them both. The look in the persons eyes when you get them what they want, and the feeling of receiving something you have been wanting.

5. When you were little, what was something you asked Santa for, but now may make you chuckle?
I honestly can't think of a thing.


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