Monday, June 05, 2006

ta da

Finished my Math course today. I could have finished it earlier, but there really was no point. So I just dragged out the last chapter. Missed one question on the final. =(

0wn3d in English. We played "Tic-Tac-Toe" in English. Teacher asks one person a question and if they get it right, they get to put their x/o on the board. So when my turn popped up, I choose to be triangles. Because I can. And also, I played a bit of a different game. I played, "T1c|< - T4c|< - 0wnz."
First, I took all four corners, and then finally the middle square. My opponent only got one question right I believe.
And yes, it feels like half of my class does not do any of the work. All of the questions pertained to previous reading/grammar assignments we had over the term.

On my way home, I washed my car because it has needed one for about a week. It's all sparkly and awesome now. I also vacuumed and Armor All'ed the car. So it looks mega awesome. So awesome, I kind of want to go out.

But for now, a shower is necessary.
It's too damn hot outside.

Less than slash three for the sun

for the love


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