Tuesday, November 21, 2006

These Things

Went to see She Wants Revenge on Saturday night with my brother and my friend Acie. Needless to say, it was deliciously awesome. There were two bands opening for them, Monsters are Waiting, and Pretty Girls Make Graves. The first band, Monsters are waiting, had a pretty damn good show. If I had $10 cash, I would have bought there CD. After them, came Pretty Girls Make Graves. Didn't like them. Some dude that was standing in front of me did. A little too much. He would flip out when a song would get a little "heavier." That's in quotes because that band was not very heavy. I wanted to laugh at him, but I was too busy making sure he didn't get too close to me.
After all that jazz, She Wants Revenge came out. They ended the concert with a sing-a-long of the chorus to Tear you Apart.
After the concert, we headed out with semi-deaf ears of satisfaction and went to Justin's place to check out his Wii. After what felt like an hour of updating, which we blame on Justin's slow connection, and another thirty minutes of them trying to figure out why a controller died, they played it. It was rather meh. Of course, they were just playing multiplayer games. One thing that I really don't like about the Wii is the joystick add on thing. It feels too light for me. I understand that it's supposed to feel light because you are supposed to wave it around like an idiot for hours, but I would prefer just a tad bit more weight. Either way, I wasn't too impressed. I'm sure the Zelda game is pretty, but I really don't want to wave a controller around to slash my sword.
Stupid next gen consoles. =(

Today, I bought another computer.
It's not what you are probably thinking.
DeVry got newer computers for some labs and instead of throwing the old ones away, they sold them. They had more earlier, but I didn't know about it until last night and didn't get to buy one until this afternoon. From what I understand, they had 500mhz machines with 9gig(not sure) HDs and a monitor for $20. The other option was a 933mhz computer with no HD and a monitor for $30, which is what I bought. As for the ram, I'm not exactly sure. I believe the 500s had 128 and the 933s have 256.
Anyways, I ended up going to Fry's to look at HD prices. Then I went to Best Buy and checked out the HDs there. I ended up buying a 120gig HD for $50. Not too shabby.
So when I get home tonight, I'm going to install the new HD, install Windows 2003 server, and then play with it. Should be interesting.
Oh yes, the reason I bought the computer was to just have another computer on my network at home. Can't be a router head and not have a decently sized network in my home.


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