Sunday, September 26, 2004

>.> <.< >.>

So....yeah.....I bought something about 5 hours ago. I'm not going to say what it is that I bought, but it's something. I guess we'll see how it turns out.

Funny "gangsta" teens at work when I closed. Ten minutes till I closed, I go around and tell them. Five minutes till close, I do the same, lock the back door and close the front gate halfway. About two minutes until I close, I see one of them walk towards a changer and I tell them that I am about to close up the store in about a minute and a half. Closing time rolls by, I walk in the back and turn all the games off. I hear, "HEY!", other various yells of the sort, and a friend saying, "Sorry, no refunds." I walk back out to close the gate and see them walking out and telling me, "I was still playing!". Which I just reply with, "Sorry, I gave you THREE warnings. =/" They walk out mumbling and then some of them have to walk back across the gate and leave thru that entrance. They say some random Spanish curse word and I reply with, "That's a good one! Keep up that I.Q. It's working for you!......and stay in school!"
I hate stupid people. =/


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