I don't post much now. hmmmm....
Well, not much has gone on.
If you use blackbox/bblean, I came across a nice plug-in.
bbreminderIt's the first one on the page.
It's a plug-in that just sets reminders for you. It can launch a program for you, give you a pop up message, reboot your PC, etc. I like it because I tend to forget to do things on my comp from time to time. So now I can just set a reminder and it will pop up later so that I remember. Pretty neat.
The other plug-in on the page, directly below the first, is bbsky. Just a weather plug-in. It uses rss feed to update itself with the current weather condition. I'm using it right now just for kicks. The only real downfall about it is that it uses yahoo weather right now, but the creator talked about switching it to weather.com's rss feed. Which would rock.
....atleast until google invents Gweather.
google = next microsoft
but in a good way
On a musical note,
She Wants Revenge will be coming to Dallas in November.
WIN!!I will try my hardest to go see them. I am addicted to their cd. =X
BUCKETHEAD will be coming to Dallas on October 15.
That's another concert I will try to go to with all my might and even my soul.