Thursday, September 30, 2004


I hate my dad! =D
I can't wait till the spring when I can move out of this damn place! =D
I'm gonna go outside and walk around! =D


Wednesday, September 29, 2004


So, I've been looking at new cameras today. I've found one that I really like at Here. It sounds pretty damn decent for the price. But I'm not totally sure yet. I'm going to go to best buy and see what they have Friday as I have to go there anyways. And if I do decide to get it, it won't be for another month or so. I might also find another within that time, but for now, this one looks like it will make me happy. =D

Work today wasn't that bad. Little bro called me and asked me if I wanted a chicken sammich, as my mom was going to make some and offered to bring some up to me at work. <3<3<3>=O~~~
and yes, I won. We played twice, first time with one pack of them, I won. Second time, with two packs and my bro gave up. XD


I open tomorrow. My to do list is very simple and short. That means more adventures and more DINO-SAPIENS!!!!tm So tomorrow, I will probably have some more pictures.

Friday List:
1. pick up my check
2. deposit it
3. go to best buy and buy David (little bro) his game
4. go to mall and look for a "man purse"
5. pick up little bro and mom
6. go to work
7. go home and pay laptop bill online

Friday is going to be fun! =O

go there, it's going to possibly hold my future random recordings!


no matter how many times I listen to the music, FFVII music always sends a chill down my spine. Sometimes, even a tear. =p Beautiful stuff, just beautiful.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

>.> <.< >.>

So....yeah.....I bought something about 5 hours ago. I'm not going to say what it is that I bought, but it's something. I guess we'll see how it turns out.

Funny "gangsta" teens at work when I closed. Ten minutes till I closed, I go around and tell them. Five minutes till close, I do the same, lock the back door and close the front gate halfway. About two minutes until I close, I see one of them walk towards a changer and I tell them that I am about to close up the store in about a minute and a half. Closing time rolls by, I walk in the back and turn all the games off. I hear, "HEY!", other various yells of the sort, and a friend saying, "Sorry, no refunds." I walk back out to close the gate and see them walking out and telling me, "I was still playing!". Which I just reply with, "Sorry, I gave you THREE warnings. =/" They walk out mumbling and then some of them have to walk back across the gate and leave thru that entrance. They say some random Spanish curse word and I reply with, "That's a good one! Keep up that I.Q. It's working for you!......and stay in school!"
I hate stupid people. =/

Friday, September 24, 2004


My Room
will upload more to both as i take more pictures of my dull room and the new species of DOOM!!

Monday, September 20, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

Sunday, September 19, 2004


I hate people. WHY? Because I can. And because I don't give a damn right now. >=/

Saturday, September 18, 2004

And then there was none

I am now out of picks....I don't know HOW I do it, but my picks love to "disappear" on me. =( Oh well, I got payed yesterday so I think I will go deposit the check Monday, buy some more picks, buy Sly Cooper 2 for my brother and then do whatever. Back to playing with my fingers again, which is good since I am starting to get rusty with that.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

holy crap

wow. A friend yesterday IM'ed me asking me to find a song for him. Needless to say, I found it. This song is very good.

Anyways, yesterday, Manny and I decided to go to Animation Town. Fun stuff, especially since Guitar Freaks was still down >=D Played some Marvel and 3rd Strike as well. I'm slowly getting better at keeping a consistent beat with one hand and then hitting the bass pedal and other drums in awkward beats. Fun times.

I AAA'ed Kind Lady on heavy yesterday! Stupid song >=( It's been running away from me for a while now, but I finally got it. I played it and had no greats at all till the end, THEN, I hit a screw, try and compensate and slide the other foot and get a good, so I jump up and yell, "DAMNIT!" I then do it again and get ONE great........ So I get another dollar in quarters and then try it AGAIN. Three is a lucky number, as that is when I got it >=DDDD

Thursday, September 09, 2004


Day was doing fine until about and hour and a half ago.

Waited for brother, wasn't there. Waited 10 minutes, wasn't there....another 10, wasn't there. Apply 2 more times. FORTY DAMN MINUTES I WAITED ON HIM! Needless to say, I am VERY angry at him. He has no reason either. If there was some sort of band meeting or something, it would have been different. BUT NOTHING! He once again loses some more of my trust.

Now to the sad part.
My senior year in High School, there were several freshmen that I knew that were fun and cool to hang around. Not too annoying, funny, knew when to shut up and other little things that made them tolerable. Well, last year, there was a camping trip that other graduates usually go on. A friend and I had planned to come back after our senior year to hang out because the trip rules. We did and everything was fun. Meet some other "new" freshmen and got to know some other people better. Fun times. Well, anyways.... One of the people I knew my senior year was in an accident. From what I have heard so far, she was "T-Boned." Severe head trauma and is in critical condition. =( She was a good person, fun to hang around, overall nice vibe. Very laid back. On the camping trip after I graduated, she let me fiddle with her guitar for most of the trip. Hearing news that a person like this is in critical condition and might not make it thru is VERY upsetting. I just think about it and nothing fits.......


I purchased Vol. One and Two of Sgt.Frog after work. Pretty funny stuff. I also bought FLCL Vol. Two. I saw the newest Petshop of Horrors there as well, I need to get that one too! >.> <.<
Damn Jessica and getting me addicted to it! *shakes fist at her*

I ordered something from El Chico(mexican restraunt) while I was working today. At about 8 pm or so. Anyways, the lady gave me a free drink with it! <3 She brought the food up to the store(which is only across the hallway as I work in the local mall. but they never walk up to the store) and while she was walking up I noticied a drink in her hand. She set down the bag and then handed me the drink and said, "I brought you a coke." SCORE! Free coke. I have no idea why, but either way, I got a free coke. Guess who is getting a big tip the next time I eat there? ^_~

Saturday, September 04, 2004

smells like a drag queen to me

Work was interesting. The arcade was pretty busy, I didn't have to give out much change BUT I was stuck behind the counter pretty much the whole time. Which doesn't bother me at all, since being kept busy is WAY better then standing there doing nothing. Had an interesting customer. How can I say this.....she was... well, "aged." She didn't seem to fond of me, she kept giving me looks and sighing a lot. I'm just doing my job, I have no control over store policies. And, IT'S ALSO NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU WANT TO SPOIL YOUR GRANDCHILDREN BY BUYING THEM EVERYTHING THEY WANT! >=(

We also concluded that a friend of mine gets hit on quite a bit. But of course, there is a catch. They are all 15 or so. XD

I've been trying to get back into the guitar once again. I've been leaving it alone the past 2 weeks or so. Had some nice "sessions" the past few days. Just sitting in my room, laptop screen as my only source of light, laying down on my bed and just playing. Not really aiming to play anything or playing well, but just sitting there listening to myself play and relaxing. Feels good. It made me remember why I love music so much. Tried jumping back into Angels Tale by Hyde once again. I advanced another 8 measures or so. Now I'm just working on playing it decent consistently, and once I have that down, I will move on to the next "section." I recorded myself practicing it earlier, sounds interesting. It's also VERY helpful when I listen to myself. I can hear all of my mistakes and thus I can learn what I need to work on. I would post them here, but they aren't really too interesting.

I miss most of my high school "chums" =(

~this post brought to you by josh's wireless internet

Thursday, September 02, 2004


I had to walk to work today because of a certain someone not waking me up to drop them off at work. It was FREAKING HOT!!!!! And I hate the sun.
Sun + Dest = >=(
I was delirious near the end of the walk. Started babbling things and then stated that the sun was "following us." Which led to a friend that was with me laughing and thus caused me to spit out the little bit of gatorade I had left onto the cement parking lot. Atleast it was a mini-adventure I suppose. And all of this led to an angst filled day toward everyone. Especially that damn school bus and those damn kids! *shakes fist at them again*

Went to Richland Square Mall (RSM) once again. Fun times. Played lots of marvel. Beat a friend in Pop'n'Music battle mode, and had some bawls. Overall, good times over there. MINUS the fact that the Low Tom on Drummania was not responding! >=(((((((((