Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Just registered for classes. Going to play NS for a bit and then probably go out and look for applications.

Also, I joined the {H|M} NS clan yesterday. I play on their server all the time, so I figured I'll give it a shot. I've played with most of the clan members and they are all pretty cool. Should be interesting.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Strong Machine 2

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Wow...I feel like a stooge.
I'm pretty sure I just bombed my Buisness exam.
I sat down and got to the ratios and I couldn't remember them correctly. So I just put what I thought was right and went from there. I wish I could remember what I put down, but I can't.

I actually enjoy that class, so you would think I could remember some easy equations. BUT NO!

Monday, June 05, 2006

ta da

Finished my Math course today. I could have finished it earlier, but there really was no point. So I just dragged out the last chapter. Missed one question on the final. =(

0wn3d in English. We played "Tic-Tac-Toe" in English. Teacher asks one person a question and if they get it right, they get to put their x/o on the board. So when my turn popped up, I choose to be triangles. Because I can. And also, I played a bit of a different game. I played, "T1c|< - T4c|< - 0wnz."
First, I took all four corners, and then finally the middle square. My opponent only got one question right I believe.
And yes, it feels like half of my class does not do any of the work. All of the questions pertained to previous reading/grammar assignments we had over the term.

On my way home, I washed my car because it has needed one for about a week. It's all sparkly and awesome now. I also vacuumed and Armor All'ed the car. So it looks mega awesome. So awesome, I kind of want to go out.

But for now, a shower is necessary.
It's too damn hot outside.

Less than slash three for the sun

for the love

Thursday, June 01, 2006

And thus, the universe crumbles

For the past two weeks, my love was visiting me. Hence, no new posts in a while and not being on aim ever. It was a wonderful two weeks. I just got back from dropping her off. Lots of adventures were had and lots of fun times. I love her. So damn much.
