Monday, June 30, 2003

haven't posted in a while. oh well, not like it matters. everybody loves ramen is a great show.

haven't really done anything that is worth posting....let me think. OO OO Ooooohhh. I got seven greats on Let's Groove the other day. i was pretty excited. just seven away from a AAA.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

i like the old interface of blogger better....oh well. still have to see what else it can do.

in other news, went to IHOP yesterday night to this morning. stayed there and talked for about 3 hours. before that, we went to the mall and played a game of ddr and then went bowling. played some pool....and yes i won. played beach head 2001, it is alright i guess. later.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

People suck....why is human interaction so important. who needs friends. who needs people, we need people. and that blows.

Monday, June 23, 2003

well at least my weekend wasn't wasted. played some ddr and watched the hulk. it was better than i thought it was going to be. good movie. saw a preview for the punisher....OH GOD YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! too bad it is going to most likely be rated pg13....stupid little kids. I WANT BLOOD....ok, i just don't want punisher to look all wimpy. the super nintendo still rules. super ghouls and ghost still rules, thought i would just clear that up. will probably post more later.

Friday, June 20, 2003

hmmmmmmmm. wonder what the sun looks like.....tired of seeing the walls of my room.....i need to fly, that would make things all better.....and maybe some laser eyes...wait...can't learn that...or flying...damn. need to go to home depot or lowes. want to go to corpus or california. BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!

On a more serious note, I have gone pretty much nowhere and have done pretty much nothing. I actually went and looked for an html book, but none of the books there had the information i was looking for. I was looking through some of the books and I saw one for javascript, and it looked pretty cool. I also saw one for flash programs. Thinking of going to grapevine of Irvine so I can check out the books there and buy a couple. I hope I buy a book so I can at least have SOMETHING to do besided figure out old nintendo songs on my guitar....

Still need to go buy about $90 to $100 in supplies for my pad. Think I might go do that today.

Monday, June 16, 2003

well, to answer you question, i would have to say go see Bruce Almighty. Jim Carrey is in it and it was rather amusing. Dumb and Dumberer, in my opinion, was not as funny as Bruce Almighty.Go see Bruce and then go see Dumb and Dumberer and you can tell me what you thought. and as far as this update is concerned, nothing today....absolutely nothing. Will most likely finish my pad stuff tomorrow or the day after. will put pics up when it is completed. later.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

went and saw dumb and dumberer. it was alright, not funnier than the first one, but still ok. then i took my dad to dinner at his fav restraunt. and now i am updating this waste of space.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

s..o......b..ore...d........ did ablsolutely nothing today. took a shower and then surfed the internet, that is about it.

Friday, June 13, 2003

blah. lets see.........went to mall 2 goods away from full comboing dropout....nothing a cool picture of lighning that i took yesterday night. will post it soon. that is about boring, what a waste of a life...need to buy html book.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

so bored.....just spaming on my own site.....BLAH BLAH BLAH....not like anybody sees this anyways......MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....

day was cool so far. went to the mall and played with my pal broderick. don't feel like using the shift key. he passed paranoia survivor and he got a aa on a...<----that looks weird. i got another a on sakura. forgot to post this last time but some stupid kids at grapevine were banging on the window pane thing....hate when people do that, and i was in the middle of paranoia i just flipped him off with out even looking at him.updated pic page with the new aa on a thing.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

updated my pics. just put the sakura picture there. nothing big...later.

Went to the mall yesterday and played some DDR with my friend Brian and Josh. That was fun....Then later we went to grapevine to go see a movie and went to gameworks for a little while. The first song I did was Sakura and I got an A!!!!!!!! After I saw that I got excited and then we did Superstar oni, and for the final stage, I picked Paranoia Survivor. AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! Got so close to passing it. I was at most 5 seconds away from passing. When I had noticed that I had the stream down, I just got over excited and started hitting the arrows too early....i was pissed, yet happy at the same time.

Monday, June 09, 2003

Went and saw Finding Nemo yesterday, thought it was pretty good. Real funny and the cgi in that movie was just amazing O_O. I found the fact that they can make sea creatures have facial expressions pretty amazing myself, so they had to make them have eyebrows(without the hair of course), who cares. The people at Pixar are just amazing. Wish I had one of their computers. Think I will go buy another cd, don't know of what though.........END TRANSMISSION

Saturday, June 07, 2003

blah. jusr being bored. Went to play some ddr(cause that is the only semi-cheap fun thing to do) on friday....TWICE....went once and put the unlock code in so I could play some sakura. Then later a friend wanted to go and asked if I wanted to go with him. When we got there I played sakura first, got a B, then some song...can't remember ^_^; then my other friend showed up. Played sakura as last song and got a B. Then played with my newly arrived friend. Think we played sakura first.....then superstar oni version and I AA'd it.then another song. can't remember that either...guess i have a bad memory. oh well, it was fun.

Friday, June 06, 2003

my little brother went to some all night thing with some youth group thing to a main event in grapevine. All the games were on free play or they had some card or something(they were the only ones there) and they could bowl and play for free. They could also play laser tag for free. They had ddr there, so that would be cool. He got lucky with that, oh well...... Back to making shorts with my camera.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

went bowling on moday. forgot to put that. being bored right now in my room. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN TYPE WHATEVER I WANT BECAUSE NOBODY WILL SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! that i let that out, i think i will start drawing again. and making short little movies with my camera and my myriad of x-men and ninja turtle toys.

Monday, June 02, 2003

I am watching fear factor right now. The guy with the mohawk is in the water right now, and just did the stunt thing. He has an awesome mohawk.