Thursday, July 31, 2003


Tuesday, a friend's dog died....Rather depressing. Gonna be ackward the next time I go over to his house and there's not that dog that sniffs me and runs and then comes back, not as much random barking, and no poking fun at her.....but ya gotta move on........;_;

Didn't do anything yesterday, just kind of sat at home and surfed the internet. My mom rented "The Others" and theys still haven't watched's just kind of sitting by the DVD player. Trying to get them to watch it today so I can have there opinions on the movie.

Monday, July 28, 2003

Went to the mall saturday and then Gameworks. Saw some friends when I got there that I haven't seen in a long while, one I haven't talked to in about a year. Played some DDR then some MvC2. Got really close to passing The Legend of Max. Then I went to the MvC2 machine.

I came in and beat some guy that wasn't that good. Was playing the computer for a while and then some other random guy played me and I beat him. THEN, a person I knew played me and I beat him. I was beating everybody that came up there. I had a total of 12 wins before we left which is a record for me since that many people never play me. After we left, the tips of my fingers were hurting pretty bad, and also the tops of my hands. It didn't help that I played a lot of MvC2 at our mall right before then.

Sunday, we went to the anime shop. All I bought was some almond Pocky, which I most say is the best one I have had yet, and some grape Hi-Chew, also the best flavor yet.

TODAY, a friend and I went to the mall. Played some DDR and met a person from Georgia. Played some more MvC2 and got another 3th place. Guess it is just a case of Engrish. A friend of mine also got his first recorded AA on Let's Groove.

My yahoo site has had a little update, just a couple of pics.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Just got done updating my yahoo picture site.

Yahoo Pic Site

Made another panda head with some origami paper my brother had. It would look better if the paper was black and white instead of blue and white. Maybe I will do something today, who knows.

Friday, July 25, 2003

who said i was lazy?????that's right, me....

And here is the fountain I was talking about. Kinda weird if you ask me. Haven't passed by it since then, but next time I do you can bet I will be looking at it.

I made this origami panda about an hour ago using It took me about an hour because of the following reasons:
1. I am on dial-up
2. I was downloading a music video
3. I had to make my own square pieces of paper
4. ONE step took me about 20 minutes to figure out
5. Was reading Penny-Arcade at the same time

It is a two piece origami thing.........panda's are cool.

Time for the Friday Five

1. If your life were a movie, what would the title be?
Fun is for losers

2. What songs would be on the soundtrack?
Go with the flow - Queens of the Stone Age
Cowgirl - Bambee XDXD
Turning Japanese - No Use for a Name
Spiders - System of a Down
Poison - Rancid

3. Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why?
Definetely animated, that way I can do some crazy matrix stuff and have a persocom.

4. Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc?
I would want most of the characters to be the actual people. And for the ones that don't want to do it or I just don't want around me..hmmm... monkeys and monkey robots.

5. Describe the movie preview/trailer.
In the city, you must fight to survive....he sold tortillas on the corner....XDXDXD ( this is for the people that know what I am talking )
I would have some really, really beautiful ladies walking in slow motion towards the screen. Then the movie voice guy would say, "This movie....*sound of a record needle falling off* WILL HAVE NONE OF THAT*screen goes blank*!!! But it will have some of this*cut to an outhouse in the middle of some field being blown to pieces*, and some of this*cut to a picture of me sleeping on the couch*. If you are going to see one movie this year......see something else."

there is the 3th place thing...great huh??

will have the fountain thing on here soon.
all i have for now, see ya's

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Went to the mall yesterday and I noticied something on MvC2. I was playing it for a while and had already have placed 1st-3rd. I beat it again and got 3rd once again. Except a friend of mine noticied that it said "3th" instead of 3rd. I took a pic and will be posting it soon. Played Legend of Max again and got another 277 combo and took another pic. Did a little better that time.

On the way home, there is a FEMA building with a pond in front of it. The pond has a piller of water shooting out of it. Looking at the water with some more attention, I noticied that the water was an odd shade of green-blue. I will post a pic of that soon also.

Monday, July 21, 2003

Weekend was cool I guess. Went with a friend to the anime shop and he bought a lot of stuff. He bought Ninja Scroll, the Soultaker box set, and Akira with 5.1 dolby digital surround sound.

We went home and sat for a while playing MvC2 and then put in Ninja Scroll. Ninja Scroll was good and kind of weird.... The story was decent and the action was great. That was one of the bloodest movies I have ever seen... but in a good way.

After that, we went to IHOP for some late night food...mmmmmm... IHOP....
We went home and then started up the Soultaker marathon. Well, we didn't even finish the first episode. We decided to go to 7-11 for some ice cream or something. We went and then thought that whatever we get here, we can get like a box of for just a little bit more. So we were off to Wal-Mart. When we got there, I got some minute maid juice pop things and he got some snickers ice cream bars. Then we went back to the house.

When we got back, we started up MvC2 again and just played that for a while. Then SLEEEEP.

Then yesterday we went to Best Buy and he bought two ten dollar games for the PS2. Mobile Light Force 2, which I recommended, and some tank game.

Mobile Light Force 2 is a game based on a Japanese shooter...forgot the name. The game is like 1945 and aero-fighters. It is pretty hard. Well worth the $10.74. Then we started up the tank game(search and destroy i think). This game is kind of on the "what were they thinking" side. There are no people in this game... just talking tanks. The tanks actually turn their turrets to face the other tanks to talk. The tanks do not have a mouth if you were wondering. The gameplay isn't to bad and the customizing feature really helps out the game. For another $10.74, it is not bad.

This has to be the longest post I have EVER made anywhere.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Did go to the arcade thursday and yesterday. I got really far on Legend of Max....REALLY far. Had a full combo for a while which really surprised me. 277 I think until I got a good. The stream at the end killed me, and my feet.

I am about to start downloading some MvC2 vids and finish watching the 2nd Chobits dvd. Watching the old school X-Men right now. That was a great show, it followed the comics rather well.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Haven't done much. Might do something today.

Changed the comment interface colors a little bit. Still looks ugly, but I am still working at it. Have been working on a new blog layout. The failures haven't been to bad. Maybe soon this site will see a new face. Maybe something darker, or more lively.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Tried Paranoia Survivor Max Oni today. Love the begining. I am guessing the middle, is really hard. Slowly getting better with Sentinel.

*kicks dial-up*

Monday, July 14, 2003

Go to:

It is pretty funny to see some things translated. Going to mall tomorrow...maybe...don't know. And I did have some Chobits episodes on my comp... what!? never said I downloaded them from kazaa..... *shift eyes*
Would have did that, but I want the better quality of a DVD and the great sound. SO, most of my anime is on DVD.

Also went to Animation Town on Saturday. Played lots of Drummania and IIDX. I was real rusty at IIDX, and I was doing decent at Drummainia. Played a little DDR. Did Waka Laka which I haven't done since MAX 2 came to Grapevine.

Why do all the movies start with like thrity minutes of commercials??? Those ads before the previews should be enough. Now not only do we have to wait 15 minutes for the previews to go by, but now another 15 minutes of commercials. What I hate is that these commercials are ones about the things that are on the slide before the commercials start. I actually forgot what I was watching when the movie actually started.

Waynes World is great.

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Bought Chobits yesterday. Have only seen it to episode 5 so far; savoring the anime for my boredom filled weekdays.

I CAN'T DO THE MAGNETO INFINITE ANYMORE!!!!!! Now that that's out of my system.... I just couldn't do it anymore, meh, don't care.

Watching Best in Show on Comedy Central. For those of you that haven't seen it (like anybody actually reads this), it is actually really, really funny. The bonus features on the dvd are great.

Have been thinking of changing the blogger layout for sometime, but I always get stuck and scratch the project. Hopefully, I can get a good solid layout during the week....getting tired of this stupid hardly modified blogger layout -_-

Peace V=^.^=V

Friday, July 11, 2003

Newer' and MORE improved!!

Updated it some more. Wish more people played Mvl Vs. Cap2 in our arcade. It gets boring beating on the computer.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

i am officially a mall arcade rat.... it's all ddr's fault, and mvl vs cap 2

nothing to report

--peace out

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Still working on the nothing to report.

Went to the anime shop and I saw some new pocky.
-Green read it right...GREEN TEA...crunchy, hard, green tea
-Almond...sounds good.

Thinking of buying Chobits box set. Only $35......and the Ein plush; it can go next to my Trigun cat.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003


getting better at the html thing

My NEW & IMPROVED yahoo site.

Everybody should watch I'm with Busey!!!! got to go now and watch it.

Went to the arcade and played some DDR. They rearranged the arcade. Looks good cept' that DDR is against the glass...leaves NO room to stand behind the thing...oh well.

Still reading the HTML book... and I FINALLY read all of the Mall Monkeys comics. man that is great stuff. ROFL STFU OMG

Got a HTML book from the library yesterday. It is great, reading it right now. It has all the information I was looking for....and THEM SOME. Probably be the only thing I will be doing for the next week or two.

Jamming out to some music right now as I surf GAIA.

There are some stupid people that go to our mall. Some stupid people came up and just started acting stupid while I was playing some DDR a couple o' days ago. One little kid walked next to the machine and just made a faced while he stared. I was doing afronova (which i am now VERY familiar with) and just stared right back at him the whole time...well the whole part before the stream in the begining to the end of all of the doubles in the middle. Then this older kid, guess maybe the little runts brother, goes next to the machine and does some little dance type thing. I just asked him if he was ok and told him act stupid somewhere else. Then there were some...excuse my gangsta words here.... loud biiiaaatches doing stuff and acting stupid too. I was gonna pick another song and then they asked if they had some stupid song on there. I just said no and kept on going about my business. Then when I turned around, another little runt jumped on the pad and started acting stupid, so I just turned around and looked at him and one of the girls snatched him off of the pad.


Sunday, July 06, 2003

Mall Monkeys

this is a great web comic. I give thanks to Dean for helping me find this glorious spectacle. (think i spelled something wrong)

I did nothing for the fourth of July. I just sat at home and stared at the computer screen.

Yesterday, I went to the arcade and FINALLY!!!!! got a AA on A. stupid song....i take it back...i love you song... k. now it is just getting kind of weird.

Played some Dynasty Warriors 4 on a 65 inch was great; both the game and the tv O_O.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

I got a full combo on afronova....BWAAHAHAHAHAHA. Heavy of course.

When I started playing a year ago, I saw a person I now know get a B on Afronova. I just thought to myself that I would love to one day full combo that song. Back then it was just jaw dropping. When I full combo'ed it, it felt so goooooooooodddddddddd. It was close to a AA I think. Will try it later and hopefully AA it.

Happy early forth to all. Will probably not be on tomorrow, so I figured I would go ahead and say it now.