Saturday, my Uncle Lee was in town and spent the night. Good stuff, I love seeing him.
Hung out with Josh after work on Saturday. We went to IHOP and then to Blockbuster where I bought the Super Mario Brothers movie on DVD! And at $7.99 even! It was pre-viewed, but the DVD was in perfect condition. Josh and I argued about the movie the entire time we where in there. Even the register slave agreed with me!
.....though....she also liked You Got Served. XDDDDD
AND, she called us "weird." XD
After the Blockbuster adventure, we went back to my house and we just surfed the internet. I watched the movie on my laptop and then we proceeded to fall asleep.
Sunday, we woke up and decided to go to Grapevine Mills mall to go Christmas shopping.
....without the shopping. >.>
After walking the mall, we decided to go to the Gameworks in the mall to see if we had any money on our cards. We ended up playing DDR once.
Their machine is still TOTAL CRAP!
The left pad worked for my first song, which was Xenon. Then we did A, which I still AA'ed, but it gave me misses that I didn't miss. The left arrow was sticking. >=(
Lastly, I picked the Oni version of Sexy Planet, and GOT A DAMN A! And you want to know why?! Because that damn left arrow
DID NOT want to work for me! There is a part of the song that has a lot of lefts in it, and it didn't respond on ANY of them. >=(
I ended up with about 9 greats, and a BAJILLION misses. >=(
The greats sucked, as I stopped trying after the first great early on.
After the horrible score, we went to our local mall.
Josh played lots of The Fast and the Furious with some dude, and I played some Marvel. Gustavo showed up towards the end, but I only got to play him twice. First time, I accidently picked Omega Red instead of Storm. 3
The second match was the best match I've had in a while.....probably because I haven't played in a while... XD @____@
Good stuff! VERY close match. I wish I had more cash on me.
I then went home, played some guitar, watched some T.V. and then chatted on AIM. That's pretty much it. =p