Tuesday, January 25, 2005


This is what happened to me today.

There is another sub album inside of that....which shows my toe. @___@

Why? Because I can, that's why.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Small update

Friday night, after work, I stayed the night at Brian's house. The rest of the "crew" was there and I suppose it was fun times. The best part was when Manny got hit in the jimmies by a water bottle I threw at him.....and watching Luis die in so many different ways in RE4.

Saturday, I went to the Frisco mall with Josh. Found a cool game store and bought a new Sega Genesis controller, a DreamCast controller, and a DreamCast VMU. They had several retro things that I wanted to buy. @____@
AND, they had a Zelda 2 NES cartridge in PERFECT condition in a glass cabinet!!!!!!! *faints*
Then we ended up watching Assault on Precinct 13 in the mall theatre. Which apparently is a remake of an old John Carpenter film. Good stuff.

Sunday, I sat around all day playing blues on my guitar. <3
But it's hard to play the blues when you are happy. @____@
BUT, it gave me the, "IAMTOOHAPPYTOPLAYTHEBLUES-blues." So all is well. =p

After I wake up, I plan on eating some oatmeal and then playing some more guitar. Good stuff.

Much love to Aesa of course. =p <3

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Just got back from a fourteen hour day at work. Thus giving me Saturday - Monday off.

Now, I can say it's been three months. <3<3<3 =D~

Monday, January 17, 2005



And technically, it's been three months....because of time zone thing....though even still, it was a couple of hours in, I think. =p
Either way, much love.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


I need to find all of my cd's and the cases for some that I have. And then I need to rip them all to my laptop. I have more cd's then I thought I did. @_____@
.....and I just noticied that NONE of my Dream Theatre cd's are ripped on this laptop yet! >=(
I must do that soon.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

=( Son of Sad

Just got back from dropping off my beloved Aesa at the airport. Partings are always hard, but it's always a bit easier when you think of the next time you will see them. As I sit now, typing, I go over these past 15 blessed days that I was able to spend with her. I truly am thankful that I have her, and I have never been happier. <3
It feels a bit off to be in my room without my love next to me doing random things. Though pieces of her still linger. When I first layed down to open up my laptop, I grab some pillows to lay on and there were some evidence of her previous presence. Some strands of hair and a faint smell of a wonderful body spray. I feel weird...I keep on expecting to look back and to see her, or when I get up to get something to drink, to see her playing David in Double Dash.


I am off for now. I'm going to go sulk around some more. XD

Saturday, January 08, 2005


I just got back from a funeral.

It was the funeral for Colonel Phillips wife, Sherill Phillips. She died of cancer on Monday. The wake was last night and the ceremony was this morning. There were tons of people there and it was obvious that she was something special to tons of people. She was a teacher and was teaching Kindergarten in the same school that my mom works at. They saw each other often during the day and my mom would tell me about things they would talk about sometimes. Like about how much she loved butterflies and pretty much anything that had to do with nature. I have only talked to her a few times, but every single time that I had talked to her, she seemed liked one of the nicest people I have ever meet. The same goes for Colonel. Those two cared for everything and each other very much. It hurt me when I had heard that she was first diagnosed with cancer and hurt even more when I had heard that she had past away. The cliche phrase that comes to mind, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" How horribly true this statement can be. The Colonel and his wife were some of the nicest people I know. They both loved kids and which is why they both taught in schools. It really does hurt me to even have to think about anything bad happening to the Colonel. He is a great man. And now, his loving wife has been taken. I do surely hope that there is some place nice that she is at right now, and that she is there waiting for him.
After the service at the church, I got to see the Colonel. It has been a little bit over a year since I have seen him but he still looks the same to me. What was amazing to me was the fact the he was even able to smile. Everybody was giving hugs to the family and Colonel, crying, talking about old times. The air was heavy with sorrow, yet, there was Colonel, smiling and thanking everybody for showing. I will admit, it brought a tear to my eye, and even now as I type this. The whole time I have known Colonel, I don't think I have ever seen him frown. He saw me, we hugged and he greeted me, asked me how I was and all I could do was mumble, "I'm doing good." I can't even begin to imagine how he feels, and I don't think I want to.

My heart goes out to them right now. But more importantly, Colonel. For all the times he was there for people, I'm glad that they showed up to be there for him. I can't even begin to describe how great of a man he is. He has done so many things for other people. It really does break my heart to see things like this happen to people like this.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


So our DDR machine finally came in. The pads are UBER sexxx-a and I love them. As for the mix.....I have NO clue what it is. It's like a home mix of some sort, but I have never seen it before. There is actually a naked PS2 inside of the cabinet. It has the game on the PS2 HD. Tempted to put in my copy of Max in there and see what happens. Lots of ideas going on with this new machine.....
It also has Wonderland!!!! <3 I love that song.....takes me back to when I first started getting into Heavy songs. *tear rolls down eye*

MUCH love to my beautiful Aesa!!! <3

Saturday, January 01, 2005

